Introducing: HelpNow

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Free live one-on-one online tutoring from a Brainfuse tutor. Tutoring is available in math, science, writing and other subjects for elementary, middle school, high school and college students.

All BrainFuse tutors have at least a four year degree and are background checked. Includes live online help for Spanish Language help from Spanish speaking tutors, a writing lab that gives feedback on written assignments within 24 hours and much more.



Homework Help: On Demand, One-to-One online homework help. Tutoring is available in math, science, writing and other subjects for elementary, middle school, high school and college students every day from 2:00 PM to 11:00 PM.

Learning Library (SkillSurfer): Incorporates skills building (in all subjects), test center services and integrates them with live tutoring. It also includes a large library of lessons, tutorials, and practice tests.

Writing Assistance: A writing lab that helps students become better writers not by simply proofing or editing a student's writing.